On Tuesday, February 19th, 2025, a House panel advanced HSB158, a bill that would make it a felony to take a minor to a drag show or any performance that features a transgender person living as their authentic self.

Use the suggested language below to craft your own individualized email to each of the members of the House Education Committee, where it may be considered as soon as next week.

Hello Representative ______,

My name is _______ and I’m writing to you today to ask you to vote against HSB158, a ban on minors attending performances where someone is dressed in a way that doesn’t match current gender norms.

The bill as written is obviously flawed, and the chair acknowledged that there will be an amendment. It was obvious to everyone in the subcommittee that taking your kids to a screening of Mrs. Doubtfire shouldn’t be a felony with a $50,000 fine attached. I don’t think this bill should be amended, however, I think it should be scrapped. Freedom of speech and expression is a bedrock principle of our republic. There is nothing inherently harmful with people wearing makeup or clothing simply because it is associated with a particular gender, and there is nothing harmful to children who see people expressing themselves in that way. Making this a crime in any way is antithetical to our values as Iowans and as Americans. It doesn’t matter if you agree with it or find it objectionable; protecting freedom of expression even when we disagree with something is the only way to truly protect freedom of expression. 

Please vote against this bill, even if it is amended, and stand up for free expression for all Iowans.

Your Name

The emails for Republicans on the House Education Committee are as follows, please send your email to each of these Representatives:
Rep Skyler Wheeler (chair): skyler.wheeler@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Samantha Fett: samantha.fett@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Chad Behn: chad.behn@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Brooke Boden: brooke.boden@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Steven Bradley: steven.bradley@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Dan Gehlbach: dan.gehlbach@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Helena Hayes: helena.hayes@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Bob Henderson: robert.henderson@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Heather Hora: heather.hora@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Chad Ingels: chad.ingels@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Craig Johnson: craig.johnson@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Barb Kniff McCulla: barb.kniffmcculla@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Tom Moore: tom.moore@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Jeff Shipley: jeff.shipley@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Henry Stone: henry.stone@legis.iowa.gov
Rep Ryan Weldon: ryan.weldon@legis.iowa.gov