Jan 24, 2025 [Des Moines, Iowa]— Multiple independent sources have confirmed that Governor Kim Reynolds will introduce legislation to remove basic human rights protections from transgender Iowans. This bill would remove gender identity from the Iowa Civil Rights Act, stripping transgender Iowans of critical anti-discrimination protections in the areas of housing, credit practices, education, employment, and public accommodations. While this type of legislation has been introduced in the past, this will be the first time it has had direct support from the Governor. If passed, it would make Iowa the first state to remove rights from an entire protected class.

One Iowa Executive Director, Max Mowitz, condemned the proposal in a statement:
“If this bill passes, many basic life necessities Iowans take for granted will become much more difficult for transgender Iowans to access. Landlords will legally be able to deny them the ability to rent an apartment, banks will be able to deny them a car loan, and hotels will be able to turn them away for no other reason than because they are transgender. This bill gives those who wish to discriminate the ability to put their thumb on the scales of the American dream.

No group of Iowans deserves to be denied shelter or credit simply because of their identity. That is the opposite of equality, the opposite of fairness. We call on these officials to recognize the rights of ALL Iowans, and to reject this cruel proposal.”

State Representative Aime Wichtendahl, the state’s first transgender legislator, also denounced the planned legislation:
“If these rumors are true, it is a serious contempt by the Majority Party for Civil Rights and is contrary to Iowan values of our liberties we prize and our rights we will maintain.”