Jan 25, 2024 [Des Moines, Iowa]— Today, Iowa House Republicans scheduled a hearing for HF2082. This bill would remove gender identity from the Iowa Civil Rights Act, stripping transgender Iowans of critical anti-discrimination protections in the areas of housing, credit practices, education, employment, and public accommodations. While this type of legislation has been introduced in the past, this will be the first time it has ever received a hearing. If passed, it would make Iowa the first state to remove transgender people from their civil rights code. The hearing will take place at noon on Wednesday, January 31st.
One Iowa Action Executive Director, Courtney Reyes, condemned the legislation in a statement:
“Once again, we find ourselves grappling with the disgraceful attempts by Iowa Republicans to strip fundamental rights away from a group of Iowans. The privilege of navigating daily life without the weight of discrimination might be taken for granted by those who’ve never faced it, but make no mistake. These protections are not just essential but non-negotiable.
If this bill passes, transgender people will be able to be discriminated against in every way imaginable. Landlords will be able to deny them the ability to rent an apartment legally, banks will be able to legally deny them a car loan, and hotels will be able to turn them away, all for no other reason than because they are transgender. That is cruel, and it is wrong.
We call on Iowa legislators, Iowa business leaders, and every Iowan with a moral compass to stand up against this harmful proposal. We are all created equal, and no group of Iowans should be relegated to second-class status. Every Iowan must stand against this blatant assault on equality.”